Buying Organic On A Budget

downloadBuying organic food is something you can do that will help you, and the environment as well. One of the issues that people have with organic is that it tends to be more expensive than food that is non-organic. Organic food is coming down in price, and is moving closer to being on-par with regular food that is not organic in terms of price. Nonetheless, if you want to buy organic, there are several things you can do to buy organic food on a budget. Just because you don’t make as much money, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be enjoying organic food.

First of all, do your research online. There are many companies online that sell organic food at a low price. They ship the food directly to you, and they provide the organic food at a lower rate than you find in grocery stores. The main thing is that you should make sure that your organic food from these retailers are actually organic.

Second, check out farmer’s markets. Farmer markets are a great place to find organic food. While the food may not have organic certifications, many farmers will grow the food without the use of pesticides. Ask questions of the farmer at the farmer’s market, and find out what exactly they do to make sure their food is organic. Another great plus about buying organic food at a farmer’s market is that you are buying local, and thereby helping the local economy.

Rather than buying one apple, buy in bulk. If you buy in bulk, you are going to save a lot of money on your purchase. In addition, you will have plenty of organic food to eat. That being said, don’t let it go bad because your organic food is not full of pesticides and preservatives. You can freeze your organic food too.

Buy as much of the organic food as you can when it is in season. If you buy in-season, it is going to be less expensive than if you buy it out of season.

Lastly, you can just grow your own in your own backyard garden.

De La Rosa Real Foods

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Written by: Yehudith Girshberg

One thought on “Buying Organic On A Budget

  1. This is a very important that needs to be addressed more – thanks for posting! Budget is often thought of as a roadblock towards getting healthy, and it’s so key to explore affordable ways to “do healthy living” 🙂


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